¿What are the flower remedies?
Is Vibrational Medicine at the service of healing and the evolution of the Self.
Disease is, in essence, the result of conflict between soul and mind, and will never be eradicated except by spiritual and mental effort.
Dr. Edward Bach
¿What are Flower Remedies?
Recognized since 1976 by the WHO (World Health Organization), flower therapy is vibrational medicine, which helps to regulate emotions for well-being, emotional, physical and mental balance.
In the western world, flower therapy began through Dr. Edward Bach, recognized for being the pioneer in bringing this therapeutic method, which through vibrational energy captured by wild flowers, plants and shrubs (without being intervened, cut or mistreated,), help to control, prevent and treat most diseases, which are often associated with mild, serious and/or degenerative diseases.
Flower therapy is new in the way that gives us the possibility to have greater awareness and understanding of the origin of the problem, in order to be able to change the emotional, mental or behavioral patterns that have led us to this state of imbalance and/or disease. Above all is a great way of self-knowledge.
Allow energy to flow harmoniously and balanced.It acts on the energy bodies, mobilizing blockagesBring physical, mental and emotional well-being
Acts on the energy bodies, mobilizing blockages
Brings physical, mental and emotional well-being
Top Seller Formulas
These are some of the most recommended flower remedies by us and our clients
About us
Transform your life through conscious work
Atma Vedanā is a wellness center that was born in Mumbai, India in 2017, when Lina, its founder, was on a spiritual search journey.
Our purpose is to provide well-being and healing in an holistic way, attending to the body, soul and mind.
Our vision is to take our medicine to the world, traveling, accompanying and supporting the process of those who decide to heal and walk consciously.
“The evolutionary path of the Self invites us to constantly work on ourselves, to understand our form, to see and transcend our wounds. In order to reach our most authentic and free version of us”
Frequent Questions
¿Cómo actúa la Esencia Floral?
The Floral essence acts on the subtle bodies. Mobilizing energy blocks and facilitating the healing process. Taking the person to states of peace, calm, love and well-being.
Who was Edward Bach?
Dr. Edward Bach (who held numerous academic degrees) was a specialist in pathology, bacteriology and homeopathy. He was born in 1886 in Moseley, on the outskirts of Birmingham, although the family’s origins are probably in Wales. He began his medical studies in 1906 at Birmingham University, later transferring to University College London, where he completed his studies in 1912.
He was spared fighting in World War I due to his failing health, despite which he took on many jobs during the war, such as helping the wounded. This responsibility, apart from his investigations, led him to collapse due to a severe haemmorhage in 1917. The surgeons who operated on him said that he only had three months to live, so he returned to work as soon as he could in the mood. which gave him the idea of making at least one last contribution to medicine before he died. But as the months went by he felt stronger and stronger and came to the conclusion that it was because his work made him happy and inspired him.
For Bach, the belief that mental state could have a direct and powerful effect on physical health was confirmed by experience. When he discovered Hahnemann’s writings on homeopathy he thought that at last he was well on his way to the type of natural treatment he was seeking.
Can all people take flower essences?
Yes, this is a therapy that can be given to babies, children, adults and the elderly. It is always important to know the dosage.
¿Qué contraindicaciones tiene la terapia Floral?
As they are not medicines, the flowers can be taken by everyone, including babies, pregnant women, the elderly, etc. They have no adverse or side effects and there is no possibility of overdosing. They are fully compatible with any treatment or therapy, both complementary and conventional medicine. In no case does Flower Therapy replace the work of the doctor or that of other health professionals.
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Flower Remedies
Ancestral Medicine