
The Enneagram is a psychological and spiritual model that describes nine different personality types, based on thought patterns, emotions and behaviors. It is a tool that allows to recognize the shape of the ego, the wound of birth and thus to recognize conscious actions that allow the individual to act from the consciousness.


Through the study of the Enneagram, we can develop a greater awareness of ourselves and how our actions and reactions can be influenced by our personality. This understanding can be used as a basis for personal growth and transformation, helping us to achieve greater balance and well-being in our lives.

Lina Gonzaléz

Enneagram History

The Enneagram is an ancient system of knowledge and personal development that has its roots in various spiritual and psychological traditions. Although there are several versions of its history, here is one of the most commonly accepted versions:

The origin of the Enneagram is believed to date back to the ancient mystical traditions of the Middle East, specifically Sufi mystics and Christian desert monks. However, the modern version of the Enneagram began to develop in the early 20th century.

The nine enneatypes

Each of these personality types has unique characteristics and a set of internal motivations that drive them to act in certain ways.

Benefits of knowing your enneatype

Identificación de cualidades y debilidades
Comprender a los demas
Desarrollo de habilidades de comunicación
Desarrollo Espiritual
Eneatipo 8

EL desafiador

Eneatipo 9

el pacificador

Eneatipo 1

El perfeccionista

Eneatipo 2

el ayudador

Eneatipo 3

el triunfador

Eneatipo 4

el individualista

Eneatipo 5

El investigador

Eneatipo 6

el leal

Eneatipo 7

el entusiasta

Próximos Talleres 

Taller de eneagrama

April 17, 2023

7:00 – 10:00 pm
Ágape, Houston TX

Yoga Retreat & Pilates

March 16, 2023

9:00 am – 11:00 am
Divi Park

Cultural Celebration

March 18, 2023

10:00 am – 5:00 pm
SC Museum

Sobre Nosotros

Transforma tu vida através del trabajo consciente

Atma Vedanā es un centro de bienestar que nace en Mumbai, India en el 2017, cuando Lina, su fundadora se encontraba en un viaje de búsqueda espiritual. 

Su propósito es entregar bienestar y sanador de forma integral, atendiendo el cuerpo, el alma y la mente.

Su visión es llevar su medicina al mundo, viajando, acompañando y sosteniendo el proceso de quienes decidan sanar y caminar en consciencia. 

“El camino evolutivo del Ser nos invita a trabajar constantemente en nosotros, en entender nuestra forma, ver y trascender nuestras heridas. Para así poder alcanzar nuestra versión más autentica y libre”

Lina González, Fundadora de Atma Vedana


(+57) 323 414 61 17


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Terapia Floral

Medicina Ancestral


Bogotá – Colombia