Enneatype 6

Birth injury refers to an emotional or psychological wound experienced in the first years of life, particularly during early childhood. This wound originates in family experiences and dynamics and can leave a deep mark on the personality and the way a person relates to themselves and others.

Birth injury: Feeling of not being able to rely on oneself

This fundamental wound of fear and distrust can lead Enneatype 6s to develop characteristic behavioral patterns, such as seeking external security and support, doubting themselves and others, and being cautious in making decisions. They may also have an intense need to belong and to be accepted, seeking approval and endorsement from others.

Shadow (weaknesses)

In imbalance Enneotype 6’s are known to become dependent on other people or external structures to feel secure. They may constantly seek approval and endorsement from others, seeking validation and certainty in their decisions. They may also have difficulty making decisions on their own and may doubt excessively, feeling the need to constantly seek outside advice and opinions.

Ego Characteristics: Anxious, Cowardly, Insecure, Pessimistic.

Idealizes: The Loyalist idealizes trust, loyalty and security in his relationships and in the institutions or authority figures in which he places his trust.

Desires: The Loyalist desires support and guidance, seeking certainty and stability in his life and in the decisions he must make.

Avoidance: The Loyalist avoids abandonment, uncertainty and risk, and seeks to avoid situations or people that may jeopardize his or her emotional or physical safety.

Greatest fear: The Loyalist’s greatest fear is insecurity and lack of support, fearing betrayal or abandonment by those he/she trusts.

Defense mechanism: The Loyalist’s defense mechanism is projection, attributing his or her own fears and doubts to others and seeking security through identification with figures or groups he or she considers protective.

Resists: The Loyalist resists change and risky decision making, seeking stability and certainty in his or her environment.

Self-image: The Loyalist sees him/herself as responsible, loyal and diligent, willing to protect others and follow through on commitments.

How manipulates: The Loyalist may manipulate through doubt and indecision, seeking to obtain the reassurance and guidance he/she needs from others.

Personality Disorder (when very unbalanced): Paranoid.

Light (qualities)

In balance, Enneatype 6s are known for their ability to be loyal, trustworthy and committed. They are people who can establish solid and lasting bonds with others, based on trust and mutual support. They are excellent at teamwork and strive to maintain harmony and stability in their relationships.

Essential Characteristics: Consistent, Loyal, Noble and Courageous.

Essential Quality: Loyalty is a central quality in their personality and forms the basis of their relationships and commitments. Enneatype 6s value fidelity and trust, and strive to maintain integrity in their personal and professional relationships.

Life Learning: Their life learning consists of overcoming their inner fears and doubts to develop genuine trust in themselves and others. This involves learning to listen to their own inner voice, trusting their own abilities and decisions, and establishing relationships based on mutual trust.

Psychological challenge: How am I going to feel safe if I don’t think about the worst that can happen and make my own decisions?

Trust: As they develop their light structure, Enneatype 6s cultivate greater trust in themselves and others. They learn to trust their own judgment and their ability to make informed decisions. They also learn to trust people they consider trustworthy.

Courage: Enneatype 6s in their light structure develop a sense of courage. Although they may experience fears and worries, they find the strength to face and overcome them. They are able to act with courage even in difficult or challenging situations.

Improvement drive: Learning to trust in their own ability to meet life’s challenges and developing a sense of inner stability that does not depend solely on external factors. As they cultivate this inner security, Enneatype 6s can find greater peace of mind and confidence in their ability to handle any situation that comes their way.


Why know your ego

The Enneatype 6 ego is often characterized by fear and doubt, which can lead to indecision and a constant search for external security. By getting to know their ego, Enneatype 6 can work on overcoming these fears and doubts, and find greater confidence in themselves and their own abilities.


In the Enneagram, the “triad” refers to one of the fundamental aspects of the enneatype that are classified into three main groups. These clusters represent three centers of intelligence or predominant approaches to processing information and coping with the world. Each of these clusters is associated with three specific personality types.

Mental Triad: Enneatype 6, also known as the Loyalist or the Skeptic, belongs to the Fear or Thought triad. The Fear triad is characterized by a stronger connection to fears and is motivated by the need to feel safe and protected in the world.


Centering: When the Enneatype 6 is centered, it connects with the positive qualities of Enneotype 9. This involves showing a greater capacity for calmness and confidence in themselves and the world. They may be more peaceful and committed to harmony and stability in their relationships and environments.


Decentering: When Enneatype 6 decenters toward Enneatype 3, they may exhibit more image-oriented and externally successful characteristics. They may become more concerned with their appearance and reputation, and may feel pressure to meet external expectations and standards. They may seek external validation and recognition to feel secure and valuable.

Enneatype 6


Lost message in childhood

The message lost in childhood for the Sixes may be “You are safe and supported, and you can trust yourself and others.”


Enneatype 6 belongs to the emotional triad, which includes enneatypes 2, 3 and 4. The enneatypes of this triad are more oriented towards emotions and the need to be valued and loved.


La fijación del Eneatipo 6 es la cobardía. Los Seis tienden a tener una preocupación constante por los riesgos y los posibles peligros, lo que puede llevar a la indecisión y la dependencia de otras personas o sistemas de apoyo.


The Enneatype 6’s primary passion is fear. Sixes tend to be constantly alert and worried about the possibility of danger or betrayal, which can lead to a sense of anxiety and distrust.

What is your focus

Sixes tend to focus their attention on identifying potential threats and seeking security. They are cautious and concerned about the loyalty and trustworthiness of people and systems in their environment.

Principal motivation

The main motivation of Enneatype 6 is to find security and stability in their lives. They seek certainty and support in their relationships and environment, and tend to be loyal and committed to those they trust.

Unconscious message received in childhood

The unconscious message the Six may have received in childhood is that they cannot trust themselves or others. They may have developed a generalized distrust and a need to constantly seek approval and endorsement from authority figures.

EnNeatYpE 6


Enneatype 6 may have wings that refer to adjacent numbers on the enneatype circle, i.e., enneatype 5 and enneatype 7. The wings are subtypes that influence the personality and behavior of the main enneatype, in this case, Enneatype 6.

The wing of enneatype 6 with tendency to enneatype 5: may show more research and observation oriented traits. Sixes with a Five wing tend to be more reserved and analytical. They are critical thinkers and may have a greater need for information and knowledge in order to feel confident and prepared. They tend to be more independent and may seek logical solutions to problems.

The enneatype 6 wing with a tendency to enneotype 7:      

may exhibit more fun-oriented traits and the pursuit of positive experiences. Sixes with a Seven wing tend to be more outgoing and optimistic. They are enthusiastic and adventurous, and may seek out distractions and activities that bring them joy and excitement. They may have a greater need for social connection and may be more open to new possibilities.

enneatype 6 at its best version

Conscious actions

Understanding your enneatype is vital for your consciousness/spiritual development process, because it allows you to see and recognize what you are doing unconsciously in response to your woundedness. If you have reached this point it is because you want to generate a change and act from your consciousness and not from your ego, in other words from your love and not from your fear. Here are some suggested routes of conscious action for you to begin to generate a change.

Some conscious actions for Enneatype 6 may include: cultivating self-confidence, facing fears gradually, practicing autonomous decision making, developing self-validation skills, seeking balance between caution and boldness, and cultivating relationships based on trust and mutual support.

Practice trusting yourself and your abilities. Remember that you are capable of making good decisions and handling challenging situations.

Identify your fears and focus on consciously facing them. Take small steps out of your comfort zone to gradually expand your sense of security and confidence.

Engage in practices that help you stay present and connected to the present moment. This may include meditation, deep breathing exercises or grounding exercises that help you feel centered and calm.

Enneatype 5s need time alone to recharge and process information. However, it is also important to balance this with adequate social interaction to avoid isolation and encourage growth through different perspectives..

Instead of focusing solely on potential risks and catastrophic scenarios, proactively develop contingency plans and alternative strategies. This can help alleviate anxiety and give you a sense of preparedness.